Take the design and layout of your application screens to the next level of user interface modernization – without changing a line of the underlying source code.
Using the aXes development studio, each IBM i, (System i, iSeries or AS/400) 5250 screen panel can be converted into a modern web user interface. aXes allows you to enhance the appearance of the application and streamline your business processes - adding real value to your applications.
A well researched redesign of the user interface produces fewer keystrokes with intuitive navigation that improves workflow. The enhanced user experience enables users to perform day-to-day tasks faster and more effectively – delivering increased business benefits to your organisation.
You can further customize the aXes screens by adding familiar user interface controls:
You can turn RPG or COBOL applications into web applications that run on Apple, Linux or Windows platforms. The applications support multiple browsers and run on a wide variety of devices, including desktop computers and mobile devices, such as the iPhone and Android phones.