Last week we talked about the first key consideration when selecting a low-code development platform – Application Frameworks. This week we’ll continue with two additional key considerations which are Any-to-Any Integration and Unlimited Depth and Reach....
Thanks for joining me for my final post on the 5 Guiding Principles of Enterprise Modernization. So far I’ve covered the importance of delivering the best user experience, improving data quality and accuracy and getting information into the hands who need it. My...
Continuing on from my post last week about the 5 Guiding Principles of Enterprise Modernization, the ultimate goal of modernization is to use technology to best support your customers and trading partners. This means providing users with the best experience, enabling...
Businesses are being bombarded with the message to modernize. In the IBM i world, most tend to define modernization in terms of low-level development tactics such as converting RPG to free form, updating databases to SQL or refacing 5250 screens for the web. While...